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  • CAS No. 9003-01-4

  • Molecular Formula : NA

  • vector-green

    Hazard Info

    1. check img


Chemical Family Polymer
Synonyms Carbopol
Origin Synthetic
Suspending Agent, Emulsifying Agent, Binding Agent, Stabilizer
At Clyzo, we take utmost care to ensure the Carbomer excipient is of good quality from trusted manufacturers. Carbomer excipient with CAS No. 9003-01-4 is popularly known as Carbopol. It comes from the chemical family of Polymer and possesses the functionality of a Suspending Agent, Emulsifying Agent, Binding Agent, and Stabilizer. Explore hassle-free excipient procurement at Clyzo.
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vector checkPacksize: 1 Available

Carbomer 934 NF

rating 4.0

Manufacturer Product code bluring
Supplier Product Name UPI
Country of Origin bluring
Special Attributes Suitable as an Excipient
Quality Standards
cGMP Certified, US-FDA registered
Dosage Form
Solid Oral, Topical, Parenteral
Assay 56-68%
Labelling Claims NF
Regulatory Compliance Product available for RegPro - On Request

At Clyzo, we ensure our products are of good quality from reliable manufacturers. Carbomer 934, NF is categorized under the chemical family of Polymer and functions like Suspending Agent, Emulsifying Agent, Binding Agent, and Stabilizer. It is suitable as an Excipient with cGMP, US-FDA quality standards. It is used in the dosage forms like Solid Oral, Topical, and Parenteral and having assay value of 56-68%. At Clyzo, you can order excipients in 5 easy steps; explore now.


vector checkPacksize: 4 Available

Carbomer 940, NF

rating 4.0

Manufacturer Product code bluring
Supplier Product Name UPI
Country of Origin bluring
Special Attributes Suitable as an Excipient
Quality Standards
cGMP Certified, US-FDA registered
Dosage Form
Solid Oral, Topical, Parenteral
Assay NA
Labelling Claims NF
Regulatory Compliance Product available for RegPro - On Request

Clyzo, with its deep expertise in the pharma excipient industry, partners with the world's best manufacturers. Carbomer 940, NF is categorized under the chemical family of Polymer and has the functionality of a Suspending Agent, Emulsifying Agent, Binding Agent, and Stabilizer. It is suitable as an Excipient as per cGMP Certified, US-FDA registered quality standards in the dosage form: Solid Oral, Topical, and Parenteral. Modernize Your Excipient Search with Clyzo.